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Art Exhibition Space Guidelines and FAQs


A small gallery was established in the main office hallway to present the artwork of our talented congregation and community. We hope that this exhibition space serves the Trinity community by bringing people together for fellowship and conversation, and sharing of creative visual expressions by parishioners, relatives or friends and possibly eventually artists from the surrounding community. We wish to beautify the heart of our office wing by creating visual interest through changing displays of all types of two-dimensional art: paintings, works on paper, photographs, quilts and other fiber art, reliefs and collages. The content of the artwork need not be particularly spiritual in nature; we believe that the very act of artistic expression and creativity is in keeping with the creative Work of God.

The exhibition team will organize exhibitions. Exhibitions will be temporary and of varying lengths of time. When temporary exhibitions are not on display, a collection of works owned by the church (the Trinity Collection) will be displayed so that there is always an exhibition. When not on display, the Trinity Collection will hang in the conference room.

Exhibition Team

The role of the exhibition team is to organize, curate (choose) the artwork for display, and manage the exhibition calendar. We also coordinate with artists and/or lenders. The initial exhibition team consisted of Helen Blaschke, Barbara May, Ritva Ojanen. and Melissa Person with guidance from Pastor Erica Kennedy. We are looking for new members to serve on an ongoing basis. There is no specific time commitment required though a period of at least six months is requested. If you are interested in serving, please contact one of the team or Pastor.

Exhibition Space

The hallway in use runs from the Luther Room entrance past the offices and ends at the boiler room. A track system has been installed along the top edge of the walls and a hook and cable system is used to hang the art. The space is not climate-controlled and is lit by natural sunlight entering through ceiling skylights. No additional lighting installation is planned at this time. The exhibition space is suitable for solo shows as well as themed group shows.

Exhibition Art

The gallery space will be filled with art from from members of the Trinity Community- parishioners, relatives or friends, community groups using our facility, and perhaps artists from the surrounding community. The Exhibition Team will solicit artwork privately (as was done for our initial exhibitions) and publicly. We want to see the artistic talents of our whole community as people are willing to share them.

The art does not need to be religious or spiritual in nature but it does need to be appropriate to be displayed.

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hallway with photo gallery


framed photo and artists bio


water color painting of river and trees

Exhibition FAQ's

What will be displayed? 

All types of two-dimensional art: paintings, works on paper, photographs, quilts and other fiber art, reliefs and collages. Artwork is chosen by Trinity’s Exhibition Team.

What are the size limitations? 

Exhibition space is limited. Artwork larger than 24” (h) x 30” (w) will likely not exhibit well due to the confined space of the hallway. We do have two places to display large formats in the adjoining Luther Room. The Exhibition Team will determine if larger artwork can be accommodated on a case by case basis.

What is the duration of an exhibition?

It varies based on agreement with lenders/artists, the types of artwork, liturgical season, etc.

How can I have my artwork displayed? 

After reading the guidelines, contact the Exhibition Team. Once artwork is reviewed and approved, you will be required to sign a Loan Agreement.  All artwork must be ready to hang .

Labels and descriptions may be provided by the lender/artist. The Exhibition Team will install the works and labels, if provided.

Is there a charge? 

No fees are charged or paid to artists/lenders for exhibiting.

What are the exhibition space conditions?

The space for this “gallery” is the office hallway and the entrance wall in the Luther room for larger scale works. The exhibition space is not secure or climate-controlled and is lit by natural sunlight. Artwork will not be insured by Trinity.

How can I help with exhibitions? 

We need help in coordinating loans with lenders/artists, curating, hanging art, and breaking down exhibitions. We especially welcome artists' participation. If you would like to be involved (either for a short-time, an exhibition, or longer), please contact the Exhibition Team.

I like a particular work very much. Can I buy it? 

Not all art is for sale but some may be. It is up to the artist/lender. Trinity will not facilitate the sale of artwork but we will connect potential buyers with the artist/lender by providing the buyer’s name and contact information to the artist/lender. It will will be up to the artist/lender to contact the potential buyer.


Exhibition Team

Helen Blaschke

Barbara May

Ritva Ojanen





